Mac Geniuses, submitted by Jojo The Dogboy. Intentionally shitty looking webcomics can turn out to be great, but it's not enough to state up front that the comic sucks on purpose and expect people to laugh along. There's got to be some sort of actual joke behind each of your strips or you get... well you get this.

Mac Geniuses makes me feel slightly ashamed for being a big Mac nerd, and that's quite an accomplishment considering the amount of shame I feel at any given moment for other things (the sink incident at my grandparents' house, eating Pop Tarts for every meal three days straight). I don't really know what to say when confronted with a site like this. It sort of speaks for itself.

– Corin Tucker's Stalker (@DennisFarrell)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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