Kappin Off Suckas, submitted by Rowdy Ruddy Pepper. Kappin Off Suckas is a Ghost Recon Klan website so wonderfully shitty that it would feel right at home among the worst Quake clan page 1998 has to offer.

Check out the picture can you see the DEATH WHICH AWAITS YOU?

Hello I'm DADDDY DAWG of K.O.S ( KAPPIN OFF SUCKAS). We are a Ghost Recon Klan of few that plan to kick the @sses of the other klans. We are lookin for new member but no one will be holding you hand. You get one match with the other guys and me to show who and what your made off YA FEEL ME?!!

Horrible layout, minimal content, images resized through HTML tags, awful "Internet toughguy gangsta speak", and absolutely no point. Truly, it's like a trip in the wayback machine. The only difference is that instead of a Geocities site, these guys bought a domain name for some unknown reason.

– Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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