Natasha Vita More Universe, submitted by FC. When I first glanced over this web site I thought "big deal, another pretentious artist who actually has little to no artistic ability", then I clicked on the link for Body Sculpting and I saw the truth. Natasha Vita is a pretentious artist with no artistic ability and a horrifying muscular physique along with an obsessive devotion to making herself look like an inhuman monster. She's also has an insane philosophy to go along with it.

The flesh-body is becoming a bio-tech body. The architecture of our image will take on novelty.While I enjoy sculpting my outer flesh, I look forward to bio-tech designs that will enhance physical abilities and augment intelligence and creativity. Flex my mind--Flex my body.

She then goes on to list in excrutiating detail every moment of her workout routine. If this is supposed to be art then I have some AzN PryDe web sites for you to check out that have some pretty incredible table borders and animated GIFs. They aren't even as insane.

– Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)

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    Dear god this was an embarrassment to not only this site, but to all mankind

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