Do Not Buy These Glasses
It turns out that Xolllab, a previous ALOD, are not only petty thieves and brainless techno-mongrels - they are also plagiarists! Not only are they trying to sell you ugly, expensive X-Ray glasses that do not work, but they are willing to lie, cheat and STEAL write-ups from good, honest, hardworking super laboratories & "How To" websites in their evil quest to take your $250. Don't believe me?
"Instead of relying on images created by the absorption and pass-through properties of the objects being X-rayed, the (CXG) revolutionary new technic picks up images produced when materials scatter X-ray photons. An CXG pattern is more specific than an absorption pattern when it comes to identifying organics... So (CXG) technonlogies are very good at imaging organic material -- much better than dual-energy systems...."-Xolllab's Overview Page, 2008 "Instead of relying on images created by the absorption and pass-through properties of the objects being X-rayed, the backscatter system picks up images produced when materials scatter X-ray photons. An X-ray scatter pattern is more specific than an absorption pattern when it comes to identifying organics... So backscatter systems are very good at imaging organic material -- much better than dual-energy systems...."-How Stuff Works: Backscatter X-Rays, February 2007
DO NOT TRUST HIM"In 1968, Dr. Jerald Vandergrif joined XOllLab and created an X-ray astronomy team. In the coming decades, Dr. Vandergrif's team made a succession of pioneering discoveries and developments in the field of X-ray technology, including the discovery of the first known X-ray source outside the solar system (1972), the first successful soft X-ray photograph of the sun (1975), the launch of the first satellite dedicated completely to X-ray astronomy (1978), and the launch of the Einstein Observatory - world's largest X-ray telescope (1979). Dr. Vandergrif's pioneering work at XOllLab later earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics...."
"In 1959, Dr. Riccardo Giacconi joined AS&E and created an X-ray astronomy team. In the coming decades, Dr. Giacconi's team made a succession of pioneering discoveries and developments in the field of X-ray technology, including the discovery of the first known X-ray source outside the solar system (1962), the first successful soft X-ray photograph of the sun (1965), the launch of the first satellite dedicated completely to X-ray astronomy (1970), and the launch of the Einstein Observatory - world's largest X-ray telescope (1978). Dr. Giacconi's pioneering work at AS&E later earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics..." There are more examples of plagiarism as well, mostly stealing from the AS&E website. The general rule of thumb seems to be that If there are misspellings, it's assuredly stolen from another web page. In addition to this travesty, I personally called up the Nobel Prize people to confirm that Dr. Vandergrif, or "Gerry" as he's known to his victims, has never been a Nobel Prize winner, nor a real doctor! Gerry could be out there, prescribing X-Ray Glasses that don't work to poor innocent families, without a medical license! People could die! Folks, as long as I am in full control of Something Awful, I will not rest until Xolllabs ceases their swindling flim-flam, and apologizes to the good, honest folk at the American Science and Engineering corporation. If you are as upset as I am, or just wish to ask Dr. Gerry why he's ruining the lives of hapless netizens, please
email their support people.If you MUST see people really naked through their clothing, hit me up and I give you some honest X-Ray glasses vendors, made by REAL doctors, that are much more affordable & stylish. Do not buy from Xolllab!
– Caylen "Abraham" Burroughs