AdventureQuest - (thanks Jack Daniels)

AdventureQuest is full of interesting stories to read, adventures to experience, and goal driven quests to complete. New events, quests, monsters, NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and items are continually being added to the game. The quests and events help to test the player's mental abilities.

AdventureQuest is also a great place for kids to practice and improve their reading skills, because all of the NPCs talk to you, and every quest you go on involves reading text to make decisions about how the player continues the quest. The written material in AdventureQuest contains no foul language and is suitable for all ages, and is written to be generally understood by players of all ages.

If you often search the internet for AdventureQuest, you might enjoy AdventureQuest.

– Joseph "Maxnmona" Fink

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