Haymaker and The Vein return for a feast of cyborg-on-human punchfighting!
Goddamn it, if the dog's invisible we have to look at the human actors debasing themselves.
The most barbaric thing about this movie was deciding not to burn the film negatives on the spot.
Using the Dark Arts to pants a bully during third form seems kind of wasteful to us, honestly.
Let the spirit of shitty moviness fill you as Christianity goes on trial!
The South rises again in zombie form, to bore the North to death!
A Romanian village full of velociraptors vs. a bunch of marines...in space.
Bruce Campbell vs. giant termites that might just be the worst alien invaders since Signs.
After the comet icepocalypse, watch Dean Cain re-enact the movie "Aliens", but without any aliens.
Here come the Men in Black *clap clap* They might just kill your dog
Conquistadors vs. Aztecs vs. T-rex, the historical battle royale nobody asked for!
An elite all-female kickboxing squad wastes our time, and apparently dogs are poisonous now?
An alien menace in the Everglades, and Joe Estevez sucks at lying about spaceship crashes!
Corey Haim faces off against roller hockey gangs and computer chess viruses of doom!
Steven Seagal mumbles and glares his way through a gauntlet of unnecessary cuts and zooms.
A holy trainwreck of product placement, bland romance, and incredible gluttony!
Rapping dogs, mariachi mice, massive copyright infringement? Must be another Italian Titanic anime!
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