Warning: This theme contains spooky images of ghosts and genitals!
We're clearing out all remaining 2013 images, EVERYTHING MUST GO!
If the SA Goons don't Photoshop this, people like my mom will think the War on Christmas is just what they see on TV!
"Photoshop A Thing + Another Thing": You could take it literally (promo image) and/or just have fun!
A+ for the art/now, as for the verse/hockey Goons wrote it/hell, could be much worse!
It means "Add Chocolate to Movies"! It's spelled that dumb way because of the guy who coined the term on Kickstarter.
It used to be Chuck Asay who made wacko political cartoons that could chill you to the bone. Now it's the SA Forum Goons!
It's Black Humor Friday, and this Star Wars-themed Phriday can be yours for only $9.11!
In this Choose Your Own Adventure saga, the SA Goons direct the devil's every move! Rated NSFW due to mild peril, comic mischief, rude humor.
Do you like to laugh at funny pictures of Hitler online? If not, then you have to ask yourself, is this the right article for me? Because there are like 50 images and Hitler is in all of them.
The SA Goons take the Internet's favorite sleeping baby out for a spin!
I have looked at the Hasbro website, and sure enough it has lots of instructions on how to transform many versions of Optimus Prime from truck to robot and vice versa. However, for the life of me I can't figure out how to transform my penis into boner mode.
Finally, a Something Awful article that's appropriate for readers of all ages! (Kids won't get the references, though.)
It's horror season at the cinemas, and what could be scarier?
LIKE this if you remember the '90s!!! And if you *don't* remember the '90s, just look and learn, friend!
You don't have to be twisted as hell to laugh at these photo combos, but it helps!
Why do my eyes hurt? 'Because you've never* used them to look at something LIKE THIS before!' (*maybe once, in 2006.)
Ever Dream This Man? - Yes! I still dream him! In 2013!
Get scared looking at scary Photoshops of scared people!
Much like Halloween itself, this yearly custom has become an annual tradition!
The SA Goons torment basic-cable viewers with lovingly crafted eldritch horrors!
You'll find surreal art that was likely made for fetish reasons, plus this fairly good pic of durst.
Dinosaur designs! Casting choices! And other JURASSIC PARK 4 news the SA Goons pulled out of the random blue!
Series Finale Spoiler Spoiler: He got away.
How do you stop politicians from lying? Put pacifiers in their mouths! haha it's funny and true.
Citing a popular joke, Merriam-Webster has released a special-edition dictionary that does not include the word ‘gullible.’ A spokesman for the publishing company says the original concept involved putting a mirror on that page in lieu of the word, but this did not prove cost-effecti … SEE MORE
Beloved animated characters, yes, but not as you know them -- These are voice actor/cartoon hybrids!
Anglerfish can be used as non-electric nightlights! *Adds this note to the 'Amish Lifehacks' scroll*
Miley Cyrus caused quite a stir recently; all the social net-twerking sites were going crazy! haha
Goons love describing things, strict word limits.
Please exercise your 2nd Amendment right to enjoy this article!
Get your red-hot homoganda! NOTE: Despite the misleading portmanteau, do NOT distribute this homoganda in Uganda.
"For sale: baby shoes, puked on." The SA Goons write short-form party stories!
Welcome to Something Awful, where the smiles are free! Note: The smiles might be slightly irregular.
You know how to smile, don't you? You just put your lips together and look happy and/or demented!
Be careful about where you post these provocative images! Or, share them recklessly! It really depends on the ad.
FYAD promotes the next generation of gifted e-authors and also makes some cool pitches for their own online novels!
Right wing, left wing - they'll both be flapping to these pics!
Created by SA contributor Joseph ‘maxnmona’ Fink, ‘Welcome to Night Vale’ is an ominous community-radio-style podcast set in a small desert town, ‘NPR from the Twilight Zone.’ Broadcasts feature updates about the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, and dark hooded figures with unknowable powers. Turn on your radio and hide.
It's that rare Internet animal-pic article that ISN'T cat-centric (because cats won't perform on command, even for treats)!
What could be more all-American than leftover fireworks and Mustafa Al-Khani?
Like many people, you have always wanted to control the actions of a clown in an old-west setting; here is your chance!
These so-called 'superheroes' displayed problematic timing with their quips; now they're shamed by our 'gotcha!' society.
With the next-gen consoles waiting in the wings, one question looms: How will this affect Sonic fan art?
The SA Goons add new content to old things, such as classic paintings, Victorian family portraits, and this theme!
The SA Goons play God and create winged life! Fancy birds for all occasions, please give them a try.
These are all great, but after this one, the theme's over. Sorry, sir, you're too late. What's this, Superman in a blue-green outfit? Man of Teel? That's not even how you spell 'teal,' man.
The SA Forum Goons use MS Paint and a handy fusion engine to flood the market with non-canonical Pokemon.
To be more specific, WWII German Military Equipment! To be less specific, any brand of decorative novelty testicles will do.
You can't spell 'MS Paint' without 'spam'! That wordplay construct is the only justification the SA Goons ever need.
The SA Goons remove even more letters! Still just one letter per image, though. It's not cumulative.
If I'd have known this theme would generate so many inspired submissions, I'd have uggested t lon tim go!
Wow, some really bad things happened to these TV/movie characters and you guys just make jokes about it? Once again, the glibness of the SA Goons chills me to the bone.
Judging by this promo image, it appears to be some sort of orb. But there's more to it than that....
CLARIFICATION: Title refers to celebrities wearing tacky sweaters, not perspiring stars or sweaters that are famous in the fashion world.
The SA Goons share KOTH Photoshops, fan-art finds, and in-depth character/episode analysis (last part not included)!
Make boring sports exciting! Put sinkholes on a golf course! No one did that but it would've worked.
Now, more than ever, we need things like Ghostbusters/Rescue Rangers crossover and inflated_bowser.
Gasp in horror as the Goons deface classic works of art with low-culture references from today-time!
The SA Goons use crude goofy drawings to relive traumatic memories that haunt them to this very day.
What if, instead of helping humanity, superheroes caused history's disasters? Life would be so different, then. Another idea the SA Goons had was: 'what if a cool person who died were still alive?' Anything's possible, really, with this theme.
It started with a limbless mannequin, billed as 'The girl of your dreams.' Then it got a bit creepy!
SA takes an exclusive look at that Game of Thrones Christmas Special HBO has been hyping for months!
Youngish people write the darnedest things, especially when the SA Goons take control of their pads!
Can the SA Goons answer this pressing question? Bear witness as they take a flyer!
Did you miss Part 1, titled 'Too Long; Didn't See'? That's okay, missing info is key to this theme!
Look at these images in which Kim Jong-un looks at things! It's active in a way yet also exponentially passive! Fun for all!
These gimmicks are guaranteed to get a reaction in the ring! If you're not a wrestler but you'd still like to get a reaction, just play these roles in real life and you're sure to make a splash!
Hey, it's that typeface the Internet hates! Let's gang up and pick on it! Taste the curb! hahah acewood
Before Google Glass, there was a cyborg man named Steve. Let's look back at his fast-food follies of yesteryear!
CHEERS to the SA Goons who got this theme renewed for a second season!
That's right Luigi, this is the second Strangest Fan Art installment of 2013!
Try the beta version of our Look at Photoshops of Bad Simulator Games Simulator! Amazingly lifelike!
The SA Goons bring you more ripped-from-the-headlines themes! (Sometimes old newspapers rip easier.)
The SA Goons made vintage-looking sci-fi book covers! Now you can make them too, by using this one weird trick! [CLICK]
These SA Goon selections might not help you win your Pope Pool, but they might make you laugh, and that counts, too! Not EVERYTHING has to be about your Pope Pool, you know.
A certain Beyonce image has vanished from the Internet! The SA Goons fill that void with Photoshops.
The SA Forum Goons found a photograph of the president shooting skeet and absolutely did NOT alter it in any way! ;)
The SA Forum Goons ask friends/ family members/ the recently coma-awakened to explain the plots of movies they haven't watched, then they (the Goons) draw the descriptions!
See, first we lure them in with Star Wars and Abrams and lens flare, then we hit them with the OH NO!!
The dog looked me in the eyes for an instant, as if to ask 'Why are you strangling me?' I looked at his teeth, then back in his eyes, as if to answer 'To protect myself from your teeth.' At that moment, there was a deep understanding between us. I buried the dog on top of a pile of garbage and lit the dog and garbage on fire with a piece of fire.
The SA Goons charm you with crude toe-scribbled sketches, then amaze you with fancy dino linographs!
The SA Goons address the defining question of our times!
Keepers from short-lived threads! Late arrivals from a popular theme! This variety pack has it all!
The SA goons turn the Internet's purest obsession into something scary!
Music milestones of 2012 as described by professional critics, who are then parodied by people from the internet!
Gangsters beware! There's a squad against you now.
Here are some cool music things, maybe u should check them out.
Stuka! Tuttle! Porkins! And the rest! Now, don't you tell me you don't remember them...
Worst way to spend $10? Three words: Custom Cartoon Cocks!
Seymour Butz? Hey, everybody! I wanna see more butts! [the entire bar laughs; realizes]
It took a while but we emptied the vaults and cleared out all the Sonic/Pony Dr. Who/Lion King etc. crossovers and other disturbing fan-art images. Fresh start for 2013! (After today.)
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