make a commercial game. You work hard for
a couple of years on it. You tweak it to perfection
as much as possible while your publishers
breathe down your neck and your fans foam
at the mouth. You release your creation to
worldwide acclaim.
you decide to Open Source your work.
Ain't it nice to know that tens of thousands
of man-hours have gone into your game's production,
and now any old Joe can download your game
code and wipe his ass with it? Let's
face it: the vast majority of modifications
out there make the game they were based on
worse than it was in the first place. Only
very rarely will a mod come along that does
not cause people to check out and forget after
five minutes play. That's the mod maker's
promise of "breathing new life into old
games" - a promise of at least five minutes
waste before you realize you downloaded a
turd. Then you forget about the mod and move
on with your life.
you will not forget Elite Squad Arena. Have
no doubts - it will haunt your dark Goth
soul forever.
GAME: Team Fortress for Quake
was the first decently thought out class based
mod. It had interesting and novel ideas, and
was quite well balanced, but it was far from
perfect. Thanks to Valve's unstoppable pimp
train, you still play the same unrefined Team
Fortress clones to this very day. It's
funny that mod makers - people that strive
to work to professional standards without
having to answer to irate bosses, publishers,
and all the other curses that go with commercial
game development - never seem to take the
freedom of mod making to heart. They can do
anything and get away with anything; gutsy
innovative ideas, design advancements that
are light years ahead of professional development
teams, X rated pornography, racist remarks,
whatever. But they don't. Change Scares
What's more painful than being on fire?
A. Being on fire and looking at hideous
coloured lighting!
Jesper Frisk and his loyal band of Scandinavian
preschoolers who take the "Change Sucks"
ethic very much to heart. You have to have
pretty big balls to develop a class-based
teamplay mod for Quake 3 when such
household names as Weapons
Factory Arena and Quake
3 Fortress head the pack. Kudos, morons!
In Elite Squad Arena, we are overwhelmed
by powerful, raw emotional hatred against
the idea of "common sense" and "tasteful
design". Upon witnessing such sadism
in their art, you really start to question
yourself... are the ESA Team a bunch of idiots
or are we? Is that obnoxiously brightly lit
red fog the act of a madman, or does it simply
try to evoke to us the real pain that our
in-game avatars must feel? Their incredible
innovation of a pain interface works excruciatingly
well, proof being the slashes along my forearms
that I made in a futile attempt to make the
terrible fear and hurting stop.
up your courage and dig into the seven or
so classes, if you can manage to work through
a couple of class and team selection menus
(which, because of some rather lazily implementation,
must be taken in the correct order OR YOU
DIE). The general class-based bullshit
awaits: a scout Arctic Marine, spy
Assassin, heavy weapons guy Heavy Marine
are all in store, as well as many other highly
original classes! There is even a class that
has a high powered rifle that can telescopically
zoom! The incessant pounding of wacky new
ideas is making me feel very dizzy!
crazy game content doesn't stop there! From
the ESA web page: