it ain't those
pesky UFOs,
it's gotta
be the attack
fucking Christ,
I go on a two month
vacation and come
back to find this
wad of polygonal
puke sitting in
my mailbox. It's
like rushing down
the stairs on Christmas
morning, opening
up the biggest gift
under the tree,
and finding the
dead, bloated corpse
of your lovable
dog crammed inside
the maggot-filled
interior. At a glance,
this map is a disgrace
to the human populace
in general, strengthening
support for a Congressional
abortion" policy.
At a glance, this
map conveys the
fact that author
Norbert Molenkamp
is undoubtedly some
sadistic freak that
enjoys seeing other
people's heads collapse
(ala "Halloween
3: Season of the
Witch") when
they make the critical
mistake of downloading
his digital enemas
of horror. At a
glance, I can recommend
several different
barnyard animals
I would rather perform
fellatio on before
being forced to
sit through this
mess again.
Hell, I've honestly
got no clue where
to start. Playing
this map has destroyed
a generous portion
of my brain, rendering
most of my higher
thought processes
useless. Let's just
start with the included
text file:
textures are made
by myself so if
you want to use
them you have
my permission.
There are great
ufo pictures!!!
me please know
what you think
of my map,email=
the custom textures
blew me out of the
water alright. Not
only was he able
to copy / paste
drawing of UFOs
and grey aliens
to a Photoshop document,
but he was also
able to write "Welcome
in UFO Town"
without accidentally
misspelling any
of the key words
(namely "welcome",
and "town").
I was relieved to
know that these
textures are now
free for my own
use, and I will
promptly start using
them to induce vomiting
whenever I run out
of Ipecac cola.
Hell, the mere thought
of "UFO Town"
is probably enough
to make me retch
up everything I've
eaten in the past
seven months, in
addition to various
things my close
friends have eaten
as well. We're talking
about cubic miles
of vomit here, folks.
thing the
entrance to
the next area
is six inches
in front of
those two
turrets. NEAT!
MAP: Oh, if
it were only so
easy to put the
pain of "UFO
Town" into
English words. Human
beings have struggled
for years to accurately
describe emotions
like love and hate,
so I've really got
no chance at conveying
how morbidly terrible
this disgrace to
the entire planet
of Earth is. In
fact, this map is
so damn awful that
I just thought,
"I must be
imagining things,
no map could be
this bad!"
and went back to
play it again. I
have now lost the
use of one of my
eyes, and all the
strength in my right
arm is slowly fading.
I will attempt to
finish this review
before my existing
cornea liquefies.
map is about UFOs.
It is also about
pain, horror, and
the realization
that our lives are
empty, meaningless,
and without a God.
In this assault
map, the team on
offense must rush
through various
square rooms, avoiding
attacking squid,
automatic turrets,
and fake floors
that drop you into
lava pits below,
so they may destroy
a mutant alien kidney.
Each room has at
least 38 autocannons
that would love
to see your flesh
ripped into ribbons,
and once you actually
download and play
this map, you'll
want to let them.
As touched upon
in the map's name,
this map has something
to do with UFO's.
When you initially
spawn, you'll see
a bunch of people
standing around
outside, just chillin'
with a UFO that's
shooting purple
beams at them. I
guess there just
ain't much to do
in UFO Town if you're
a mere civilian.
there's a small
underground bunker
at the beginning
where you can get
a whole slew of
armor and weapons.
Norbert, showing
off his elite mapmaking
skills, has made
the area very bot-unfriendly,
so they won't follow
you down and try
to get the weapons
themselves. If one
of them is actually
able to traverse
the tricky "slanted
brush" that
leads to the ammo
room, they will
more than likely
get stuck and hang
around there until
you shove the impact
hammer into their
groin and shoot
them out. Hell,
I don't blame the
poor suckers. I
tried hiding in
there, away from
the rest of the
surrounding horror,
but it got boring
after the first
six hours and I
was forced to move.
you leave your safe
you're greeted by
a hail of auto-cannon
gunfire and flying
spikes. Just keep
running forward.
You'll soon end
up in a garage with
two parked UFOs
and some prefab
spaceships lying
around. However,
make sure not to
stop for even a
second, because
the new auto-cannons
in the room are
unloading unlimited
rounds into you!
Quick, jump into
the water and be
attacked by the
giant squid which
inhabit UFO Town
for some unnatural
reason! Once you
dispatch of those
underwater fiends,
you'll end up right
in the middle of
the enemy's base,
which is two square
rooms connected
with a square hallway.
Since the size of
the main room is
about as big as
the area under your
sink, and every
time you kill an
enemy he spawns
in that same room,
you can be pretty
much sure that you're
going to have a
fun time destroying
the mutant alien
kidney you're supposed
to blow up in order
to win. The map
can be beaten in
under 15 seconds
if you know what
you're doing, but
the memory of it
will smolder in
the back of your
skull until the
day you decide to
wuss out and finally
pull the trigger.
Based on the gameplay
alone, I cannot
imagine UFO Town
gets really busy
in the tourist season,
unless there's a
union meeting for
the 523rd Division
of Autocannon Maintenance
map is a sadomasochist's
wet dream.
I can't really define
what makes me despise
this map so much,
but I hate it with
the passion of a
thousand suns. The
lighting is plain,
the rooms are basic
squares, the textures
are banal, and the
gameplay is straight
forward run n' gun
drudgery. Yet, despite
all these positive
points, the map
still ends up making
me pray for the
sweet embrace of
death. "UFO
Town"? Nope,
more like "UF
Oh No Town".