A GLANCE: Most people
associate aquariums with small
tanks full of fish and water.
In this map, "aquarium"
means "a huge fucking
box with plants that causes
your framerate to drop to
fractional values".
Here ya go, straight from
the text file:
large CTF map of an abandoned
and abused city
first UT map, built from
scratch. I'm sure i did
a lot wrong, but heck, it
works! :)
no. In case the author didn't
realize it, most UT maps are
for people to fight inside
of. "Abused", yes.
He has abused all UT maps
in general by creating this
FPS-munching disease of a
map. Another case of "my
first map", where the
author decided to publicly
distribute it all over the
shot of the map in action.
Can you feel the excitement?
MAP: The map can be broken
into two areas: the long,
twisty, 1,000 miles of intestinal
hallway underground, and the
huge football field of space
above. Either area sucks and
will drop your framerate faster
than a lead balloon. The hallways
below ground stretch on for
what seems like forever, often
heading off to random directions
or to elevator lifts that
shoot you a few miles up.
Once you get to the top level,
it doesn't get much better.
There's a wide open area of
dead space where snipers will
have a field day targeting
you. This is because it apparently
is "cool" to have
a fucking airport runway of
empty ground in between flags.
There's nothing more fun than
being riflebait for the 20
minutes it takes to get from
one base to the other. Did
I mention that the "aquarium"
has no point other than to
kill your CPU? Probably not,
so let me mention it again:
the "aquarium" has
no point other than to kill
your CPU.
If you ever have the patience
to get to the damn flag, you'll
be gunned down trying to escape.
Don't even bother trying to
go below surface, you'll invariably
get lost and end up cold and
afraid, like Travis Walton
after he had a few alien probes
shoved up his ass.
FACTOR: If I had the CPU
which could support the 512
bots that would maybe balance
this map out, it might be
fun. No wait, it still wouldn't.
BOTTOM LINE: Spend the
extra ten bucks and buy your
own aquarium. Fill it with
water and stare at it for
a few hours. Top it off with
a kick to the crotch, and
you'll be good to go.