I find the idea of "8-16"
players bouncing around
inside of a giant box
to be a hilarious but
also a humongous waste
of time, and there also
isn't that much space
in there for so many
players without having
to deal with some serious
telefragging problems
as people respawning
in the same damn four
places. But the best
comment contained in
the description is in
the "Thanks To"
section where he thanks
"Paul Jaquays
for making an editor
that even a moron could
figure out."
fidget in my set like
a schoolgirl trying
to resist the temptation
to jump all over that
statement... Nnnnnnnnnnyyyaaaaaagh
I can't stop myself:
a goatfucking
moron indeed.
MAP: It is a big
box with essentially
one giant jump pad for
a floor. You spawn in
midair, hit the floor
and bounce back up like
a frog. For variation
he has sloped the sides
of the bottom of the
box into intercepting
angles, and at the very
bottom is a most useless
layer of water texture
to slow you down if
you land in it (I guess).
Suspended in midair
are a motley collection
of weapons that you
"pick up"
if the bounce happens
to fling you in their
direction. The walls
of the box are festooned
with an assortment of
tapestries, banners,
mysterious constructs
missing their textures,
and grinning prefab
gargoyle heads to help
disguise the fact that
you are essentially
just trapped inside
of a giant box with
no way to stop bouncing
around like a sand flea
in crystal methedrine
(to HELL with his fucking
"sniping positions").
Bounce pad overkill
is perhaps the most
galling of Quake 3 level
design mania, but if
you take everything
else out of the game
it sort of works.
that's good --
get a nice tight
shot of that banner
there... this
is the last time
I let Zorak make
the screenshots.
standing in the middle
of this flea trap is
a huge freestanding
column of what I can
only guess to be water
-- I say guess because
the item is completely
un-textured and exists
as a column of black
and white grid through
which the player passes
with ease as they flail
about in midair. Stuck
to the roof at the top
of this meaty shaft
is the BFG, and since
no Bot support is included
in the map I had to
amuse myself by making
repeated attempts to
grab it since there
really isn't much else
to do in the map without
someone to shoot at.
Fuck it.
Well, you bounce up
and down in a box and
if you can find someone
stupid enough to join
your game, you can try
to shoot them. End of
FACTOR: I find the
map to be absurd and
silly, and sometimes
things like that can
be fun I guess. Not
this time, though.
I reckon that there
are Quake 3 nuts
out there that will
find this map to be
the next best thing
since cable modems.
It is absurd and silly
as a Quake level, but
interesting in totally
tangential manners that
the author never intended
as an FPS screensaver
and a demonstration
of a world where the
Law of Thermal Dynamics
has been effectively
done away with. Take
it or leave it.
for the People!!