A GLANCE: One of the
most interesting emails
that has turned up as a
result of my map reviews
was from a uniquely informed
reader who very rightly
reminded me that just because
a map may not fit my particular
sense of taste does not
mean that it is a bag of
fresh, warm dog shit. Agreed:
for example, my intolerance
for Q2dm1/The Edge defies
my ability to verbally describe
it (other than referring
to it as "FAGOT
Land"), but it
is without a doubt a milestone
in game level design that
has stood the test of time.
Mr. Richard's "Jumbo
Jet" also is in
direct violation of my conception
of a "cool" Quake
level, but I contend that
this map indeed does blow
chunks, and I mean that
in the most literal sense
of the expression.
pal FunCrusher pointed this
level out to me one evening
and even offered to host
a test game on his DSL enabled
server. Since my only other
option was to try it against
a Bot on my own I enthusiastically
agreed, and it led to one
of the most embarrassing
moments in my career as
a Quake fanatic. Now I'm
not sure exactly why it
happened or what was ailing
me physically at the particular
moment (because I had been
feeling FINE up until then),
but no less than five minutes
after being subjected to
the bile colored neon lighting
choking certain sections
of the map I quite literally
had to step aside for a
minute and allow my stomach
to empty its contents into
the nearest toilet. The
map made me physically
ill, something that
actually has happened to
me before and I'm sure will
happen again, what with
the some 3 dozen plus maps
suggested by interested
readers over the past ten
days or so I have yet to
see. Nonetheless, this is
the first map I have ever
reviewed that made me barf.
The download page supplied
by the evil Pod People manning
the console at FilePlanet
contained the following
highspeed deathmatch at
30,000 feet up!! Fight aboard
the jumbo jet from the plush
upper lounge to the baggage
hold deep in the bowels
of the jet.
I don't know if I have ever
actually seen the "bowels"
of a jetliner, but something
tells me that it looks a
little different than a
bunch of Quake 3 crates
stacked up and down the
length of a long rectangular
room suffused with vomit
olive green neon lighting.
Maybe I'm just being picky.
MAP: As someone who
has seen John Woo movies
and DIE HARD and all that
crap, I can agree that the
concept of a deathmatch
set in the tight confines
of an airplane is indeed
a sound idea for a Quake
level. Sadly, young Kevin
has clumsily executed the
map with a complete disregard
for physical reality and
the concept of map flow.
The layout is essentially
a long box divided into
smaller boxes and split
into three layers, and there
is no quick way from one
end of the map to the other
as you try and find the
meager allotment of weapons
he provided (shotgun, lightning
gun and rocket launcher).
The bottom layer has crates
to help signify it as a
"storage" area,
the passenger compartments
have brush conglomerates
that are supposed to be
regarded as seats, and
the cockpit room has one
of those flickering "screens"
with the Quake 3 logo to
help remind players what
game they currently have
running. In fact, there
are LOTS of flickering screens
in this level (Mr. Richard's
"overdone cheap gimmick"
perhaps), the most charming
being the half screens wedged
into the doorless bathrooms
-- I myself love taking
a shit in public while being
able to see only half of
Oprah's smug, self satisfied
and well fed face out of
the corner of my eye. But
the author has not bothered
to even attempt to model
the environment to resemble
an airplane to such an extent
that I wonder if he has
ever been on one before.
It could be a super train
or a huge atomic powered
bus or even a tramp steamer
-- we have to take his word
that it's a plane because
there is no way to get outside
of the structure and view
it as a whole. We are trapped
inside of his diamond plated
olive green lit world with
no hope of escape. Shudder.
who was in line first
to use the toilet.
that right there suggested
to me what might have helped
contribute to my vomiting
fit: I am by nature claustrophobic
as all Hell and this map
made me long for the feeling
of wind on my face in a
wide, open space. It's not
that the level is predominantly
cramped or low celinged
or whatever -- in fact this
is about the roomiest airplane
ever designed and would
be well suited for an in-flight
basketball court -- but
I think is more related
to the dull, half witted
uniformity of the design.
It is hard to distinguish
one "compartment"
from another creating confusion
within the player as to
just where they are, and
the panic created by the
need to find a weapon and
not knowing where I was
combined with the nausea
induced by the vomit colored
lighting may have triggered
some kind of involuntary
gag reflex. Add to that
the annoying little "jammies"
included to spice up the
landscape (my favorite is
the fishtank structures
in the "plush first
class" section
that one can hop into and
shoot through but are missing
their textures so you can't
see through them) don't
amount to much and just
end up becoming obstacles.
The whole map is essentially
a claustrophobic obstacle
course diffused with vomit
yellow and red lighting.
And the fact that he put
so much time into doing
things like making toilets
and stairs and flight control
panels out of stone textured
brushes when he could have
been trying to devise a
way to make the map more
interesting is depressing.
But maybe I expect too much.
"Boxy" is the
term I would use. I also
think that the way that
people were going to play
the map was the furthest
thing from the author's
crack-addicted mind: he
had an idea of what he wanted
to see and executed it to
the exclusion of all other
concerns. I've rarely seen
such an obstinately unimaginative
formula to plotting out
a map.
FACTOR: None. I found
the map to be boring and
it made me puke. Most of
the maps reviewed at this
site have some kind of redeeming
laugh inducing quality that
justifies looking at it
just once for fun, but not
this lemon. I don't ever
want to be subjected to
it again.
this map will serve as a
good fulcrum around which
to revolve the question
of just what makes a map
"Cranky" in nature?
It isn't Cranky just because
we say so, but rather has
to rise up to such a level
of ineptness or inherent
evil that an atmosphere
of pathos and confusion
is instilled within the
sentient Quake player no
matter how eager he or she
is to play. I am confused
as to why this map made
me barf, and it was so pathetic
that I don't even recommend
laughing at it. Does that
for the People!!