A GLANCE: This is the
worst fucking Quake level
I have ever ran on my computer.
It is boring, pallid, uninteresting,
and executed by someone who
must be a crack addicted descendant
of Adolf Hitler. I remember
quite literally laughing until
blood vessels burst the first
time I ever saw the legendary
Map is Good Fun"
that received the alltime
lowest score ever at Cranky
Steve’s Haunted Whorehouse.
Fun" may have inspired
axe murderers to go on killing
sprees and the Mir space station
to spring a leak, but it was
at least entertaining to run
it for a few minutes and just
laugh at it. This map isn’t
just bad, it’s pathetic. No
vision, no style, no self
control. Just idiocy.
is a space map. I have always
hated the Quake 3 space
levels with a particular
vengeance: if Q3DM17/The
Longest Yard was bad, Q3Tourney6/The
End of You is worse, and
in my opinion may very well
be the worst map ever produced
by id Software to go with
one of their games. As I
like to say, one of the
prime indicators of a crazed
lunatic getting his hands
on a map editor is that
they take one of the cheap
"gimmicks" from a game and
use it to the point of ridicule,
and Bogdan has given us
a textbook example of how
NOT to use the "space" environment
in Quake 3. You can’t just
toss a bunch of Lincoln
Loggs together and enclose
them in a "box" of space
and call it a done map.
What the hell are people
In his epic info txt,
Bogdan states flat out that
this is "The Strangest
map ever made!!" I think
not. It is the MOST BOGUS
map ever released, and I
have already taken the liberty
of removing it from my hard
drive even before sitting
down to write this. I want
nothing more to do with
it after this is done. It
is so bad it is hard to
write about without referring
to Bogdan with such epithets
as "skunk fucking maggot"
and I’d prefer to take the
high road. We’ll just leave
it at that he is a shithead
and his mom ought to go
delete his Qradient before
someone comes over and kills
him for releasing crap like
MAP: You start off on
one corner of a multi-tiered
geometrically precise "grid"
of girders floating without
any apparent support in
the middle of the box of
space. The gameplay in the
map consists entirely of
scrambling along the girder
from powerup to powerup
to item to item and try
to rail your opponent without
falling off like a retard.
I wanted to try a test game
of this but nobody would
join my server [the word
is out that I am testing
"more of That stupid Cranky
Shit" and am having a tough
time getting players]. So
I tried to add a bot, but
there is no bot support.
Right there we have a major
was made for bots. Ever
since Steve Polge released
his first beta of the Reaper
Bot, Quake gamers have had
a plethora of artificial
opponents to choose from
to help them hone their
deathmatch skillz for more
serious play. Or at least
to make use of addon levels
that may not have traditional
"single player" objectives
like monsters and stupid
keys and mazes; Bogdan’s
little map here is prime
territory for a botmatch,
and indeed if I had maybe
gotten to shoot at something
other than idly spinning
armor jackets I might have
a higher opinion of the
effort. But it is shit and
that is that.
that's all for this
fucking level.
author has selected to feature
the railgun in this map
to the exclusion of all
other weapons. I guess that
makes it one of those queer-ass
"Rail Arena" maps, a term
that untalented mapmakers
hide behind when they cannot
admit that they have fried
all of their brain cells
smoking those styrofoam
popcorns that people ship
delicate china in. Combining
the ideas of "rail arena"
with "space map" is a sure
fire way to create a boring,
shitty game level, and Bogdan
pulled no punches to deliver
a truly pointless experience
to even the beginner gamer.
far as his actual mapmaking
skills are concerned, Bogdan
is competent at:
creating straight lines
2. placing
items at various points
on those straight lines
3. making
other straight lines that
intersect with the straight
lines at sloping vertical
4. masturbating
with one hand and working
Radient with the other
5. encouraging
players to delete Quake3
from their drives
an attempt to spice things
up and make the map more
"1337", he has included
a mass of Flight and Haste
powerups, the result of
which is that you and your
weird friends can fly around
like ass-heads and try to
rail each other while the
rest of us are getting on
with our lives. Indeed he
has taken a "kitchen sink"
approach to his item placement
technique, including at
least six of EVERYTHING
all lined up in columns
on his precise, overlapped
grids. I haven’t seen so
much else that adds up to
so little.
I didn't get to play the
map, just look at it and
convulse. Looks boring as
FACTOR: The word "fun"
should in no way be associated
with this game level.
write anymore about this
map because I am starting
to develop irritable bowel
syndrome and am all out
of cigarettes. The map sucks
- take
a look at it if you don’t
believe me after all
that but don’t say I didn’t
warn you.
for the People!!