A GLANCE: Every week I
like to spend an evening digging
around on FilePlanet's Quake
level archives for a dozen
or so new maps in the hopes
of finding one or two to run
on my server when I host games.
Most maps are boring or redundant,
some are worthy of contemplation,
and there are a few that are
pathetic hunks of binary shit
skulking around in cyberspace
waiting for someone to stumble
upon a download link to it.
Gamma's Arena of Death falls
in the former category. It
really sucks, and not even
in a "good fun" way.
idea has potential, and
examples of the form have
been around since the good
old days of DOOM: a deadsimple
largish open air arena with
goodies tucked into the
various nooks and crannies
and a significant powerup
in a central position, usually
in a trap or platform that
takes a second or two to
access to increase melee
combat. And while the author
is familiar with the concept
of the "open air arena"
map he has executed it in
a ham fisted clumsy manner
that holds nothing new and
almost defies the possibilities
of the Quake 3 engine. It
shouldn't have been so boring,
but Gamma has managed to
strip all of the "fun potential"
out of the game and give
us a totally forgettable
exercise in binary spatial
In the info txt (which
is thankfully brief) the
author states that the build
time took "Too long. I had
to get used to Quake 3 features
etc." and I am wondering
just what "features" he
is referring to because
they are not immediately
apparent in his map design.
MAP: The level itself
is essentially a lame ass
"tourney" style open topped
shoebox "map" with a rim
running around the outside
and a couple of smaller
boxes connected to the compass
points ... in the middle
there is what appears to
be a bathtub with a Quad
damage on the bottom. What
fun. Other than the overhanging
ledge/catwalk (cleverly
missing its texture), the
absolutely useless pit of
Death Fog and the submersible
water texture used in the
bathtub, there is really
no evidence of 3 dimensional
level design at all - this
could be a game level for
anything that was recompiled
to run on with the Q3 textures
and weapons. Indeed the
only real attribute other
than the Pointless Dumbass
Shaft of Death Fog that
is specific to Quake 3 are
the idiotic music trigger
points, which are literally
all over the place. I still
remember the first time
I heard the "Gothic Bad
Acid Trip Chant" music for
Quake 3 and having my hair
stand on its end, but the
way that they are used here
I wanted to switch the goddamn
things off and break out
the Boxcar Willie MP3's.
Total fucking overkill.
for a larger image
of this one way elevator
shaft to Hell while
I barf into the bucket
I keep under my desk.
speaking of overkill, even
with such a dinky little
dumb arena/"tourney" map
the guy has managed to overdo
the colored lighting routine.
The one teleport (also cleverly
missing a texture and represented
by a grid -- one of Gamma's
"signature" features, I
think) he managed to insert
glows with a deep blue hue
that I can only describe
as "electric Blue Smurf
Barf" that is totally out
of place in a fullbright
open air map (the complimenting
shadows under the catwalk
look especially phony too).
He even managed to overdo
the "lava hell" red glowing
in one of the weapon rooms,
contrasting it with a series
of yellow spotlights, the
combination of which reminds
me of that runny orange
heartburn-inducing oil on
a low budget pizza slice
(and let's not forget to
mention the "cracks" over
the lava that look suspicously
like crummy brush alignment).
I also think that the "happey
f4g0t light blue" glow in
the quad bathtub is also
a bit too much, but I might
be nit-picking here. Maybe
there's just supposed to
be a lot of chlorine in
the water.
As far as gameplay concerns
like weapon placement, it
seems to have been done
in the good old "place a
weapon arbitrarily at even
distances/who gives a fucking
flying shit" school of design,
though the Lightning Gun
is wonderfully out of place
stuck under the texture-free
catwalk in such a way that
I suspect the author was
determined to place it in
the map but didn't really
have any place in mind for
it to go. I have the same
misgivings about the Haste
powerup also thoughtfully
included sitting in a fucking
doorjam. It's like, if you
don't have a place for something
you really want to inlcude
to obnoxiously pump up the
file size, well just stick
it off to the side and fuck
'em. Pathetic.
FACTOR: I had more fun
dragging the skunk that
got hit in front of our
ouse off of the road and
into the ditch this afternoon.
itself is competently made,
but inspires a sort of "running
around like retards" mode
of play that wears itself
thin after about a minute
and a half. I ended up hopping
into the "stupid pointless
shaft of Death Fog" a couple
of times just to break up
the monotony of standing
in one place while the John
Carmack bot skipped around
and zapped me with the lightning
gun every once in a while
... I guess the missing
texture grids confused it.
Indeed bot use usually gets
a positive nod from me being
that I don't like to inflict
the horrors of the random
Quake level try-out on my
dear fellow players, but
in this map it was kind
of pointless because he
just ran around like an
idiot until I nuked him.
Then again, there isn't
a whole lot to DO
in the level, so maybe I
should be happy that they
just spawn at least.
to the fucking Death Fog
for a minute. I love the
stuff as much as anyone
who has floundered blindly
in it, but you really have
to do more than just make
a hole in the floor and
stick a wad of it down there.
Then again, maybe it epitomizes
the "gestalt" of the map,
which is to use things that
aren't needed in a map that
doesn't really ever need
to be played again. It will
be my pleasure to delete
it as soon as I have enraged
some of the people on my
server by running it for
for the People!!