hallway is blue. This
hallway extends for about
seven miles. This hallway
throbs with evil.
how's that for
weapon placement?
hallway is green. It rivals
the blue hallway for the
"Most Pointless Waste
of Space" award.
No wait, actually the
entire map should win
that award.
map is so bad, it (of course)
could only have been found on
webpage. However, this time
one of Erik's buddies stepped
in to make the map and dish
out the pain, as I assume Erik
was out doing something more
constructive, like pulling the
heads off geese.
No text description. There's
evidence the author can spell,
as the words "SUCK IT"
are proudly displayed in one
section of the map, but after
playing this crapfest, I have
come to the conclusion that
the author does not possess
a mind great enough to conduct
rational thought.
MAP: As I mentioned before,
this monstrosity was created
by one of Erik's acquaintances,
who no doubt was put on this
Earth with the sole purpose
of torturing me. I honestly
believe that Erik and his cohorts
are minions of the damned, tools
of the Devil. Yes, the apocalypse
begins with a page on Fortune
City and it ends with a terrible
cataclysm of colored lighting.
map chooses to expand on the
popular shit-map making theme
of "some large rooms connected
via a series of hallways the
length of major airports"
and it does it so well. While
walking from one side of the
map to the other, I was able
to review three other
maps and read an entire
issue of "Guns And Ammo".
However, when I came back, my
character had apparently committed
suicide by eating a few grenades.
I don't blame him, poor little
the author lacks in skill and
map flow, he makes up with sheer
size. There are big rooms in
this map. Very large rooms.
Rooms so huge that it even takes
hitscan weapons a good few minutes
to hit the opposing wall. I
don't know why awful mappers
gravitate towards making gigantic
rooms in all their maps, unless
they maybe have some kind of
repeated texture fetish. These
enormous rooms each have a distinct
personality, ranging from "terribly
painful" to "I had
no clue what I was doing, please
take away my mapping program."
Usually there's only one weapon
in these areas, which makes
the map incredibly strategic.
No wait, that's not the word
I'm looking for, I meant to
say it makes the map look incredibly
idiotic. Cranky Steve sometimes
gets confused after playing
maps this bad, sorry folks.
rooms contain ladders with the
thickness of Rosie O'Donnel's
ankles. These ladders seldomly
go anywhere (other than "up"),
as there are no items or weapons
on the platforms they lead to.
I think the author put the ladders
in the map just to join the
exclusive ranks of "Mappers
That Know How to Put Ladders
in Their Maps", which now
has more members than the state
of Texas, many having a high
enough IQ to know how to open
a bag of charcoal.
the map is about sucking, yes,
that's totally clear. The name
of the map is "SUCK IT"
and the opening title proudly
reads "Get ready to Suck
It!" when you load up the
map. But no, that's not enough
for this author. The crowning
touch is truly when you enter
the room with "SUCK IT!"
created from huge blocks on
the wall. Talk about creating
an atmosphere! There was so
much sucking in this map, I
was convinced I would start
seeing pictures of Richard Simmons
kneeling in front of the author.
So I guess in that vein the
map succeeds, and with wild
of colors, this map's got em
in spades. Red, green, blue...
"Suck It" doesn't
doesn't discriminate against
humiliating any color of the
rainbow. Garish green hallways
of eye melting horrors await
you inside this experiment in
terror. Make sure you run Quake
2 in software mode if you plan
on playing this fucker, as the
colors will undoubtedly burn
a hole through your cerebral
cortex. Which could be pleasant
compared to deathmatching on
this mess.
No. No gameplay. I refuse to
subject The Forgetful Lumberjack
to this. I may be a son of a
bitch, but I'm not that
mean. The definition of hell
is this map on constant rotation
on every game server across
the world.
FACTOR: Huh? Oh, I'm sorry,
I was too busy contemplating
suicide. What was the question
BOTTOM LINE: Don't walk,
run away from this map as fast
as possible. Erik and his goon
squad have outdone themselves
again. Oh, the horror... the
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
8 |
Gameplay: |
9 |
placement: |
9 |
Layout: |
10 |
Detail: |
7 |
43 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable)
to -10 (painfully terrible).
Total score goes from 0 (ok)
to -50 (the worst piece of shit
you'll ever play).