like blue! I fuck Smurfs!
Welcome to Smurfette's
would be the "Pit
of Despair", I assume
Pit of Despair" is so effective,
despair leaks over into all
other surrounding areas of the
map. "Chock Full O' Despair"
might be a more appropriate
"This level centers
around an active volcano (the
Pit of Despair)!! If you're
feeling a bit gutsy, you can
attempt a very difficult leap
onto the hovering platform just
above the gaping maw of the
pit. If you make it, you've
got yourself a BFG. If you don't,
you've just spattered at the
bottom of the pit or been cooked
alive by a volcanic eruption!
Or, if that just isn't your
thing, you can go snag a hyperblaster,
rocketlauncher, railgun, or
whatever else may seem appropriete
at the time, off in one of the
many other caverns."
run this through the patented
"Cranky Steve Translation
'level' centers around a big
hole that randomly features
a gigantic, lava penis erupting
from it. If you're feeling a
bit gutsy, you can attempt to
play this map without requiring
a new set of prescription glasses
afterwards. There's a BFG on
a platform over the gigantic,
Freudian hole in the middle
of the map, but you won't be
able to get it (ha ha, I am
clever). If getting the BFG
isn't your thing, you can grab
some weapons I threw into the
map as an afterthought. They're
all around the place. Don't
ask me where."
yeah, the map's text file also
claims deathmatch is for 2-8
players and is "Fun
fun fun!" Anybody who's
ever read one of my reviews
before knows that the definition
of "fun" varies from
person to person. In this mapmaker's
case, I assume he thinks things
like staring at mulch could
be considered "fun".
MAP: You start off in some
big ass area with an even bigger-ass
hole in the middle. The BFG
is here, but there's no way
to get it without cheating.
Yet another clever mapmaking
"trick", much like
the "fake platform that
dunks you into lava", the
"pool of acid pillar that
crushes you", and the infamous
"map that could be good
but actually turns out to be
warmed over dogshit." This
kind of stuff, ladies and gentlemen,
gives new life to the Quake
2 scene, kind of like how the
headcrabs in Half Life gave
new life to dead soldiers. It's
awkward, stupid looking, and
wanders around aimless until
somebody kills it.
mentioned before, there are
"caverns", which are
basically square rooms with
a rock texture slapped on them.
There are the Quake 2 Crates
(TM) and a bit of lava in some
of these rooms. Sometimes the
Quake 2 Crates (TM) and lava
work together, stripping the
last remaining bit of dignity
and fun from this map. The main
cave features what I call "realistic
lighting", meaning "lighting
that would realistically suck
if actually implemented."
seems to be the author's enemy,
as rooms are large, boring,
and usually go nowhere. And
don't even get me started on
the room where the floor is
made up of entirely translucent
Long, hard, and dull. I'll let
you readers create your own
jokes from that material, I'm
too lazy.
Oh yeah, this jerk has released
approximately 10,000 other maps
for Quake 2, so expect to see
more of his "work"
soon! OH BOY!
BOTTOM LINE: It's a map
with a big hole. What would
you expect?
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
4 |
Gameplay: |
8 |
placement: |
6 |
Layout: |
7 |
Detail: |
6 |
31 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable)
to -10 (painfully terrible).
Total score goes from 0 (ok)
to -50 (the worst piece of shit
you'll ever play).