A GLANCE: I fondly remember
the first game "level" I ever
made: it was for Classic Quake,
and consisted entirely of a
single, empty room with one
light in the middle of it and
about 40 monsters. An example
of each weapon was included,
as well as enough ammunition
for players to take on the entire
Israeli Air Force. I recall
howling with laughter the first
time I "played" it, and the
pride with which I showed it
to all of my pot smoking Quake
playing buddies; I still even
have it on a floppy disc somewhere.
The moral of my little tale
is that it will NEVER
be released for public consumption
because I don't want to make
a bigger ass out of myself than
is absolutely needed. The two
chaps who conspired to release
this wad of chewing gum stuck
to the collective shoe of the
Quake addon map enthusiast community
were not as wise, and they deserve
to be tracked down and beaten
with broken JC Penny mannequin
limbs for cursing us with this
total waste of time. I hereby
volunteer to lead the angry
MAP: I am going to assume
that the authors are brain dead
preteen children, and estimate
their collective age at the
time of the map's execution
at 12. They are also from Sweden,
which is not that bad considering
the women they have up there.
But in my humble opinion these
two Butt-Monkeys should never
breed and need to quickly be
isolated from society on some
deserted, frozen, woman-less
island in the North Sea to prevent
them from even having the opportunity
to spawn; two of these bozos
is more than we need on this
planet during my lifetime. The
fact that they have unsupervised
access to a computer that can
manipulate Quake2 editing tools
also fills me with rage, if
only because as a Mac user I
DO NOT have said access
at the present time nor in the
foreseeable future. As such,
when I encounter the work of
someone who has easy access
to such coveted technologies
that are beyond my grasp, I
expect more than rotting whale
shit to come out of their efforts
to create new things with them.
I'll be exceedingly diplomatic
and say that I am very disappointed
in these two sadistic fucks.
on the image for a larger
view of the walls while
I scratch myself.
young Daniel and Holmar have
done to invoke my ire is to
create the WORST Quake2
single player map that I have
ever played. The classic "This
Map is Good Fun" is a bizarre
masterpiece, the "Revolution
9" of the Quake2 map universe.
It makes no sense, triggers
epileptic seizures, inspires
axe-murderers to commit mayhem,
and yet evokes such a profound
sense of awe within the knowledgeable
viewer that you have to just
marvel at it and wonder why
you can't get drugs as good
as its author does. Daniel and
Fredrik's "Piranah Pool"
is the antithesis of Good Fun
because it produces such an
overwhelming sense of pathos
within the sentient Quake2 player
that he/she will want to give
up the game, gouge his/her eyes
out, and start playing Mumbelty
Peg with rusted garden shears
for kicks.
starts out in a large box that
is supposed to be thought of
as a "room"; I contend that
it looks like a BOX. Plain,
haphazardly selected textures
comprise the poorly aligned
walls, and the player kind of
stands there in a confused state
for a spell wondering where
the FUCK they are. After a few
moments one becomes aware that
a certain patch of the walls
is not as darkly colored as
the rest. Lo and Behold, shooting
this patch with the blaster
makes it slide up to create
a hole that is intended to function
as a door to another "room".
HOW CLEVER! This marvelous feat
of architecture leads to another
oddly lit box containing a shotgun
and some guards to kill. Whoopee.
But the room is not without
a gem of level design that I
have never seen before: Daniel
and Fredrik have managed to
cram three exploding barrels
into a space about the size
of a pay phone. The purpose
of this unique element is unclear,
but it caught my eye simply
because I didn't know you could
DO things like that with a game
level editor and release them
to the public without being
laughed off of the Internet.
It is an enigma, and one cannot
help but wonder what the intentionally
behind its addition was. I have
no clue.
be fooled - it's not
over yet. Nooo hohoohohh....
triggering an unadorned switch
sticking out of one of the
walls like a misplaced, lonely
cake decoration, one proceeds
back out into the "start room/box"
to watch one of the walls
recede and present the player
with a truly astonishing sight:
a gay disco bar with a green
neon lit bathtub sunken into
the middle of the floor. EACH
corner of this room is lit
with a different color, the
effect of which is that every
three steps the player is
bathed with a new shade of
nauseating pastel shit. There
are a couple more monsters
placed in this room to round
out the action, and the bathtub
is filled with the weird phallic
Quake2 interstellar piranah
fish (hence the name of the
map). One skips around like
a moron, blasts the confused,
irritated looking monsters,
and then it is time to shoot
the fish.
who is familiar with my work
writing about game levels
knows of my affinity for maps
that have lots of digital
binary water... and water
in single player maps means
FISH. What I am getting at
here is that I have killed
so many Goddamn Quake and
Quake2 fish over the past
three years that I deserve
some kind of a fucking medal
for it. I am a veritable expert
on killing fish in the Quake
engine games, and sometimes
I actually do appreciate it
when the insightful level
designer places a couple of
gross, slimy, hungry Quake
fish in the murky pools I
have a habit of hopping into
without looking twice. But
there is a point of exasperation
that one reaches when they
see something as stupid as
a bathtub sized pool of green
neon lit water with like six
of the goddamn things undulating
in it like a rotten bowl of
Chef Boyardee Beefaroni waiting
to be vomited out of my stomach.
of being required to stand
there like a cretin and blast
each and every one of them
into pulp just to be able
to retrieve some stupid powerup
on the bottom of the tub is
nothing short of insulting.
How many more times must I
witness crap like this before
I resolve to stop playing
Quake? The element adds nothing
to the map and could have
easily been eliminated without
causing anyone to bat an eye
(except perhaps to ponder
why the map was named "Piranah"
while you watch the blood
to ooze out of your slashed
wrist and wait to waft into
it gets worse ... the amount
of thought put into this map
is exemplified by a notice
that one gets on their game
computer update after hopping
out of the bathtub that announces
"Mission Complete, find end".
Huh? Did we miss something
while we were gunning down
the fish? The answer is YES
- we missed the chance to
play someone else's crappy
level. With that said, at
this point in the "game" the
player is now expected to
navigate though a stretch
absolutely pathetic looking
neon red and blue glowing
"hallway" (with no logical
illumination sources and more
poorly aligned walls) to emerge
into a large anteroom with
a "sky" textured ceiling that
is lit with so many gobs of
gut-wrenching colored lights
that one is tempted to switch
to software mode just so your
player model can BREATHE.
I have never found colored
lights in a big, stupid, empty
room to be as suffocating
and claustrophobic as this.
There are a couple of more
goons for you to ice, annoyingly
stuck on a sloping brush that
serves as a ramp up to the
top of a large block to texture,
and then the real fun begins
- at the exit.
of the reasons why Quake2
single player levels (including
id's own SP game maps) have
gotten such a bad rap is the
propensity for authors to
place the big badass "Boss"
monsters in their maps in
such a manner that there really
isn't a way around or over
them. One of the underlying
laws of Quake2 single player
map design seems to be that
if you add a boss to guard
the exit or whatever one should
NEVER provide the player with
sufficient firepower to deal
with it. Frustration and death
must be mandatory. That tendency
is bad enough, but Daniel
and Fredrik have successfully
hatched an evil plot to hit
the player dumb enough to
even stick with the map this
far with like four Big Badass
Bosses in a room about the
size of a Subway sandwich
shop. The exit is placed at
the far end, but it might
as well be on Mars. Since
Daniel and Fredrik have included
a grand total of about 6 shotgun
ammo and bullet boxes (along
with a Railgun, because it's
entire map, most of which
was used to shoot the fish
in the bathtub, there really
is no point in bothering to
engage the Bosses in battle
without implementing cheat
codes. Perhaps one is expected
to Tiptoe Through the Tulips
and try to wiggle and worm
your way past them to engage
an exit trigger before they
grind you into hamburger:
I did not bother. After seeing
what awaited me I hit the
"salute" key, sat back in
my chair, let them gun me
down, took a screenshot, and
called it a day. Disgusting.
BOTTOM LINE: So what are
my "To-Sum-It-All-Up" thoughts
on this level? Well it's easy
to say things like "1t SU><0R5"
or "this is the worst fucking
Quake2 single player map I
have ever played", but those
expressions seem hollow and
lack the conviction that I
feel in wanting to condemn
this abomination and bring
ridicule onto its creators.
Quite simply, it should have
NEVER been released.
It should have stayed on their
drives as something only to
be spoken about with shame
when the Interpol agents question
them about all of the gay
Asian animal child sex snuff
porn they have amassed on
their parent's computers while
skipping their court-ordered
therapy sessions. The level's
only positive attributes are
a minuscule file size, the
inadvertent comedy that "playing"
it might produce in someone
who is stoned off their gourd
or otherwise easily amused,
and in serving as an abject
lesson to most budding level
designers as to why they should
NEVER release their first
map no matter how cool their
friends tell them it is. It's
just not fair to the rest
of us.
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
9 |
Gameplay: |
9 |
placement: |
8 |
Layout: |
8 |
Detail: |
10 |
44 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable)
to -10 (painfully terrible).
Total score goes from 0 (ok)
to -50 (the worst piece of shit
you'll ever play).