took me about 5 days to make
so i hope you liek it."
= "After masturbating nonstop
for four days while looking
at pictures from the Home Depot
catalogue, I decided to make
a map. Unfortunately, I didn't
know how, so I ended up creating
this mess."
tok me like 16 hors to maek
so you had beter like it!"
= "It will take at
least 16 whores to enjoy this
cudnt get the culored liting
to work so the map will loook
Linda shittie, sory :("
= "You should thank God
I'm an incompetent, lazy idiot
who didn't care enough to figure
out how to plop 100 pounds of
red strobe lights into this
pile of pig shit."
infamous lava cube on
the bottom. Ugh.
MAP: A nonstop house of
pain, horrors, and confusion.
R_speeds that are larger than
Russia's national debt. 15,000
ways to die in each room. Boxes
and switches that have some
vague, indescribable purpose,
but usually just end up killing
you. Rooms that turn into lava
(or is it lava that turns into
rooms?). Ceilings that seem
to randomly fall down, move
around, and generally act like
the entire map has been drinking
shots of Everclear since last
Valentine's Day. This map breaks
all the rules of physics, gameplay,
and decency.
begin your plunge into madness
by (appropriately enough) falling
from the top of a room into
a square hole in the floor filled
with lava. After falling through
the lava, you drop from the
ceiling of another room into
another lava patch. Then you
drop down and are immediately
blown straight up, back into
the lava again. If you don't
die within the first three seconds
of loading this map, either
Quake 2 has overflowed or you're
playing the wrong map. Once
again, a great idea ("let's
kill off the person before he
has a chance to play the map")
on paper that just doesn't translate
over to gameplay that well.
Why, I'll never know.
this map has no gameflow whatsoever.
The sole purpose of each room
you enter is simply to kill
you. Walking through doors =
death. Jumping on boxes = death.
Pushing buttons = death. Grabbing
weapons = death. Making maps
like this should = death. Usually
when the "traps" are
activated you get a "witty"
message like "0|-| No,
U s3t off DA B0|\/|B, b3ttar
RUN!!!" and then you die.
Map authors like this make me
want to pass a bill requiring
mandatory abortions so mistakes
like him will remain just a
beer-induced urge in some unemployed
redneck's groin.
entire map is carved into a
floating block inside another
floating block which resides
in yet another floating block.
I guess the author found a way
to combat those nasty memory
leaks! Looking up at the ceiling
causes a P3-500 to start getting
incredibly choppy, which makes
sense, as there are up to a
whopping four brushes up there.
on Fox: "When Textures
is no logical layout, theme,
or flow to this map; it's just
a bunch of random, non-connected
rectangular rooms that randomly
explode or fill with lava. I
have no idea if you can actually
navigate through it without
no-clipping enabled, I didn't
have the time or patience to
find out. Weapons are placed
into the map, so I guess the
author at one point in time
intended for this to be a deathmatch
map. This is the equivalent
of saying the Denver Broncos
had at one point at time intended
to be Superbowl Champions this
None. This map is something
awful. You couldn't force a
game onto this map if you greased
it up with Vaseline and gave
a lifetime's supply of crack
to a legion of braindead SiN
FACTOR: Oh come on, what
kind of answer do you expect?
It fucking blows.
BOTTOM LINE: The longer
I live, the closer to death
I get. Maps like these just
speed up the process. Good thing
that the chances of me running
into another fuckfest like this
are so low that... oh, who am
I kidding. I'm sure I'll eventually
get something that will top
even this catastrophe. Jesus
H. Christ, this one blows. I'm
sure all you peckers will be
lining up to download
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
10 |
Gameplay: |
10 |
placement: |
10 |
Layout: |
10 |
Detail: |
10 |
1 |
51 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable)
to -10 (painfully terrible).
Total score goes from 0 (ok)
to -50 (the worst piece of shit
you'll ever play)