exciting Pyramid of Pointlessness.
the previous Erik entry I reviewed, Erik3,
was an experiment in... well... I'm not really
sure, Erik10 takes wide-open-area deathmatch into
a new direction. Unfortunately, the direction
is "straight down", but it's still a
remarkable improvement over Erik3.
Well, it's a large brown area. The author describes
it as "Basic but confusing. The lighting
wouldn't work right(Possibly because of all the
explosions? I included the map file if you want
to try to fix it.) Worth playing." The
only true words in that description are "basic"
and "wouldn't work", making this map's
real description read as, "Basically wouldn't
MAP: As I previously stated, it's a large
brown room. There's walls, or crates, or something
lined up all over the place. Textures are repeated
all over every wall as if they were going out
of style. There are some short box thingies laying
all over the place, and when you step on them,
random explosions begin to occur all over the
map, sending your r_speeds into the hundreds of
thousands. I can't quite figure out what the purpose
of the explosions are for, other than to really
push the map over the edge into the realm of pure
unplayability. This, I guess you could say, is
the only success any map has had in the entire
"Erik#" series. It is successfully unplayable.
open spaces and failed geometry experiments
are the hallmark of a winning map.
Well, one could conceivably play a deathmatch
game in this horror. Mind you, I didn't actually
try this theory out, mostly out of fear, but I
think it could possibly be done. If anybody wants
to take me up on this theory, write back with
results. If I don't get any email from you, I'll
assume you died in the process.
FACTOR: Do you like brown? Do you enjoy seeing
random explosions slow your computer down to 486
66SX speed? If so, you'd just wet yourself playing
this hideous creation. I wet myself, but I think
that was from the blood pouring from my eyes.
BOTTOM LINE: It's gotten as close to a real
deathmatch map as any have in the "Erik#"
series, but that's not saying too much.
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
7 |
Gameplay: |
7 |
placement: |
5 |
Layout: |
6 |
Detail: |
6 |
31 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable) to -10 (painfully
terrible). Total score goes from 0 (ok) to -50
(the worst piece of shit you'll ever play).