you rocket jump over the wall, a terrible secret
is revealed - the bank is actually in the middle
of the BORG SHIP!
would be a spawn point embedded the that there
piss-poor "realistic" map for Action Quake
that makes extensive use of all available patio furniture
Well, you're in a small, square bank that is full of
prefab lawn furniture. That's it. Oh yeah, it's quite
poorly rendered too, but I'm sure everybody out there
already assumed this.
MAP: A bunch of small square rooms inside a larger
square room. There are some vague "bank related"
elements in this map, such as a safe and some prefab
cameras on the wall, but other than that, this map could
be titled anything; "Fisherman's Wharf Rumble",
"Battle in the Large Square Restroom", "Hospital
Hilarity", anything. There's a long board running
alongside the outside of the bank / bathroom / hospital
/ vague square entity, which takes you to the roof.
There isn't really anything up there except a way to
rocketjump off the edge and see the map from below,
which is a thrilling experience indeed. Thank god the
author doesn't understand the concept of skyboxes. Hell,
the author probably doesn't even understand the concept
of "wet paint".
Well me and The Forgetful Lumberjack played a few games
of one-on-one in this nightmare, and I have to admit,
it was kind of fun. The combination of the map being
about eight square feet with the lack of any available
armor or health made it a really interesting match.
Oh yeah, the doors have a tendency to kill you when
you walk through them, which adds another exciting variable
to the game, just like the spawn points which are stuck
in the walls (see picture to the left).
FACTOR: The map is so bad, you just can't help but
have fun when you're hiding from somebody behind a bright
orange picnic table in the middle of a huge white bank
that has doors which kill you. Is that a run-on sentence?
If so, I don't give a shit.
BOTTOM LINE: It's bad, but enjoyably bad. Rumor
has it that the map was made for Action Quake, which
makes perfect sense to me.
Category: |
Rating: |
Aesthetics: |
4 |
Gameplay: |
2 |
placement: |
2 |
Layout: |
2 |
Detail: |
5 |
15 |
ratings go from 0 (bearable) to -10 (painfully terrible).
Total score goes from 0 (ok) to -50 (the worst piece
of shit you'll ever play)