eating and change my goddamn oil, you ugly Jiffy
Lube cretin.
mutants plot an underground resistance in the
basement of the East Appleton Library. I didn't
bother showing up to crash the party, because
I knew they'd be too fucking stupid to remember
how to get out. Not a single one of them has left
since 1982. I oughtta go down there some day and
pry the jewelry and wallets off their corpses.
Kitchen Ninja detects a disturbance in the Force!
No really baby, you're the only one in my life!
Those other cats mean nothing! ROOOOOOWWWWWRRR!"
this statue is the closest Allen McNamara ever
got to touching a woman, besides the lady cop
that busted him for sexually assaulting the statue
later in the night. Go back to living in your
parents' attic and writing Dungeons and Dragons
novels, you worthless braindead bastard.
Councilman Jay Bennet. I would say "Dont
blame me, I voted for the other guy," but
the "other guy" is currently serving
a 5 year sentence in the state pen for writing
death threats to the President with his own shit.