A GLANCE: YAY! Finally
a sidesplitting hilarious
look at inept game level design
for me to prattle on about
for a change... Alert reader
Tigger-On demonstrated his
133t skills at emailing links
and sent me a whole batch
of suggestions for maps that
he and his compatriots over
at LVL
have already gagged at. This
was the first of the bunch
to catch my eye based
solely on the screenshot on
their review page -- I
had to see for myself if the
map actually looked like that.
It does.
There is no information
text included with the file,
which is actually not that
surprising; I wouldn't know
what to say if I had made
this and was foisting it
out to anyone looking to
extend Quake3's precious
shelf life on their drive.
Buried in the .pk3 file
is a brief text description
of how to load the map for
anyone who may never have
performed such a complex
function before, and in
this map's case I find that
to be sufficient.
MAP: Bizarre. An exercise
in what I can only term
"freeform level design"
where the author ingests
as much cocaine, heroin
and shoepolish vapors at
once as they can and sits
down at a map editor with
absolutely no preconceived
notions of what he/she is
going to do. You start making
boxes and then texture them
with your eyes closed, making
your selection based on
what is brightest and most
annoying. Then you make
smaller boxes inside of
the larger boxes and put
doors on a few of them that
don't work just right. Using
textures on all of your
brushes is optional
-- the occasional "missing
texture" checkerboard
look only adding to the
surreal nature of the map.
Another important thing
to remember is to select
"novelty" textures
like the chain link fence
graphic employed with such
conviction by Kasper that
it defies the (sic) purposelessness
of its inclusion. Then you
add things like see-through
stairs, a teleporter, a
jump pad, and other semi
functional items that aren't
really needed (my favorite
is the little damage inflicting
waffle iron structure floating
in the air), and pepper
the map with the most unlikely
collection of powerups and
weapons one can conceive
of placed inside each of
the boxes. The final touch
is to leave the map "unsealed"
and enclose it all in a
huge block of space texture
(here it is what I recognize
as being a Quake2 space
texture ... interesting)
so that the player can be
propelled out of the map
by the jump pad extraneously
included on the roof into
orbit, and fall back to
splat on the lowest floor.
This map is truly a marvel.
as if to underscore the
fact that the sequence of
oddly textured boxes isn't
sealed right, Kasper has
included the ridiculous
"Flight" powerup
in the map, and interested
players have the option
of taking a memorable laugh
inducing flight around the
level to see all of the
gaps in the brush alignments,
missing texture grids and
goggle at the see-thru walls
that permeate the architecture
like a giant Q3 colored
Swiss cheese. I didn't even
bother with loading Bots
during my first 10 min look
at the map but just floated
and bounced around with
glee as the map shimmered
with VIS errors and spun
below me through the haze
of fog texture that was
included for no reason at
all. What a joy it was to
behold a Quake3 level that
didn't trigger some sort
of neurosis or seizure within
me and instead just catered
to my taste for the bizarre
and ridiculous; this is
Q3 map design for the dada
you may not believe
it, but the map is
actually as ugly as
this screenshot suggests.
When I actually did get
around to loading up a few
Bots I was impressed at
how confused they were by
the totally nonlinear structure
of the level and essentially
became moving targets searching
in vain for a way out of
whatever box/structure they
had become trapped within:
I actually got a decent
score. I am heartened by
seeing someone designing
to "beat The Machine",
as it were.
would be a total gas to
try this out on a server
with human opponents, though
I don't think there'd be
much playing before a proper
15 minute belly laugh session
as people take turns floating
around the map like June
Bugs and smacking wetly
into the see through walls.
Then again the joy of game
levels like this really
isn't in "playing"
them but just loading them
up and getting a good chuckle
out of it -- anyone who
would seriously undertake
competitive play in such
a map should probably undergo
anger management counseling.
FACTOR: The map is "fun"
in the way that John Waters
movies, Pee-Wee's Playhouse
and Shakes the Clown
are fun. It is kitsch masquerading
as a game level, and I am
thankful that the author
has chosen Q3 as his platform
and took some of the starchy,
pompous dryness out of the
game for me for about a
half an hour. I'll keep
Q3 on my drive so long as
there are gems like this
out there to be had. Usually
crummy map design makes
me angry simply because
I still don't have access
to tools that will let me
make my own Q3 levs (thanks
for being DAFT back
in the 80's & 90's,
Mr. Jobs), but this
level sort of defies my
ability to be disgusted
with it by being so disarmingly
truly a Whorehouse winner,
and I totally recommend
it. Don't load it up expecting
Tim Willits sewer-Hell intricacy
or gloomy emotive Unreal
atmosphere; load it up because
it's fun to laugh at stuff
like this every once in
a while.
for the People!!