A GLANCE: I just can't
make up my mind about this
level. On the surface it appears
to be a competent though unimaginatively
constructed rendition of a
building-like structure (hence
the name of the map) to play
Quake in, but underneath this
innocent looking facade I
sense the desperate vision
of a crazed maniac who has
used Radient as a means to
lash out at the world. And
since the map's author is
completely anonymous there
is no one for me to project
my antagonism at.
non-descipt building map
has been around since the
glory days of DOOM, and
indeed I used to keep a
folder of just "building
and warehouse" levels
in my DOOM2 directory and
play them with relish, fantasizing
that I was cleaning the
scum out of the Office of
Financial Aid at school
or whatever. But this map
fuels no revenge fantasies
about making Zombified office
workers PAY for denying
me loan extensions just
because I had some crummy
job and lived on my own.
Nope -- this "Building"
inspires claustrophobic
nightmares about being trapped
in an empty dentist office
complex that just happens
to have rocket launchers
lying around.
The map archive is
completely bereft of any
kind of information text.
The closest thing I could
find is the self serving
blurb the author apparently
provided to the Dark Lord's
slaves condemned to work
at FilePlanet to go on the
map's download info page
that reads --
map features a square building
placed in an outdoors courtyard.
The interior of the building
is somewhat maze-like. The
gameplay is certainly different
than most other levels out
Captain: most other levels
out there don't make me
want to delete the game
from my drive and take up
needlepoint for excitement
... no offense to any needlepoint
fanatics who happen to be
reading this.
MAP: It looks like a
building plunked down into
a Pit of Despair from which
there is no escape.
There is a plain unadorned
"yard" area outside
of the building, and inside
there are three floors of
mazes meant to imply an
empty building with lots
of little hallways and crummy
lighting. I don't really
think too highly of "maze"
levels, and the author did
a remarkable job of melding
the maze and warehouse themes
together in a way that adds
up to almost nothing. The
map was also executed in
a plodding, unimaginative
way that seems to deny many
of the possibilities of
the Q3 engine: there is
almost no vertical movement
(other than throwing yourself
off of the roof), the architecture
is made up entirely of right
angles bumped up against
other right angles just
like a boring DOOM map,
and there is nothing about
the level that is in the
least bit surprising. There
is even a machine gun entity
provided for players who
have managed to loose theirs
while loading up the map.
Lights shimmer between the
cracks of the walls of the
"rooms" and passageways
to nowhere that make up
the mazes, helping to emphasize
the haphazard, spotty lighting
design; some passages are
pitch black and others fully
bright. Indeed I suspect
that what the author was
attempting to do was to
strip away whatever small
amount of enjoyment there
is in playing Quake3 for
players with a sense of
imagination and replace
it with a monotonous exercise
in trying not to blow yourself
up in the narrow, poorly
lit hallways.
top of the building
is what I like to
call "The Shrine
of the Butthole Bot"
and it is decorated
like an unfinished
high school geometry
only feature of the map
that provides any kind of
intrigue is what I like
to call "The Shrine
of the Butthole Bot"
that has been unceremoniously
stuck on the top of the
building like a cake decoration.
The Bots are strangely attracted
to it even though it is
devoid of any kind of significant
weapon or powerup, flocking
there to pray at the Alter
of Ass. The author also
screwed up on the textures
he assigned to it so it
is covered with the gridded
"missing texture"
look that always inspires
me to fits of colon spasms,
and has been provided with
an elevator that makes this
odd buzzing noise when activated
(which could be evidence
of a missing sound entity
-- I'm not familiar enough
with the inner workings
of Q3 to really tell). The
whole mess serves no purpose
I can discern except to
attract the Bots in the
way that flies swarm over
shit on a hot summer day.
In fact, the only interesting
play I found when "playing"
the map was in running up
on the roof and blasting
them out of the window over
and over and over again.
I felt very akin to a rat
in a maze who was trying
to figure out why all the
other rats were camping
on the top level even though
there aren't any food pellets
up there.
came up empty on this category,
but then again I'm sure
there are other players
out there who will find
the idea of running around
an empty building with a
lightning gun like an idiot
a common everyday experience.
said, I'm not sure what
to make of this map except
that playing it was about
as interesting as going
to the post office. Can
I fault a map JUST for being
boring, unimaginative, clumsily
executed and missing textures?
for the People!!