A GLANCE: Good fucking GOD...
folks we have here a map that
can almost compete with "This
Map is Good Fun" for
the title of most twisted game
level ever released. Indeed
this map is so bad and so unbelievable
that I am suspicious of its
Something tells me that a human
being actually set out to create
the worst possible map ever
released, and thanx to alert
reader M M "The
has finally made it onto my
drive for our discerning attention.
M M 's story is that a fellow client told him about
the map during a Starcraft
game, which sounds legitimate
enough, but I am very suspicious
of the map's genesis none the
less. I think the puzzler with
this level isn't is it crappy
or not; that much is obviously
clear probably even to people
who don't play Quake. The question
is was this abomination made
deliberately to be unleashed
upon the crap-map community
as a joke, or is it the tragic
result of good intentions leading
into a morass of insanity? Let's
take a look at what we get and
see what conclusions can be
There is no author info
text provided in the map archive
that M.M. pointed me in the
direction of... this is one
of the things that piqued
my suspicions to maybe having
this map be a deliberate,
calculated attempt to earn
the author some notoriety.
I think that the young masturbation-addicted
map author who might have
considered this to be his
great masterpiece of level
design would have included
an epic document outlining
his scheme of execution and
design intentions. But then
again, devoid of any kind
of author credit, the map
simply becomes an enigma without
any purpose or reason to it.
I'd think that if an evil,
cunning mind was trying to
slip this lemon in the fruit
basket they would also want
their name pasted on it so
that all of their slack-jawed
buddies could slap each other
on the back, finger each other
in the ass, and laugh at how
well they got one over on
MAP: Incredible. Unplayable.
Preposterous. It is
a bunch of shit hanging in
space suggesting a collection
of structures, some of which
have "floors" underneath
them for things to stand on
while they gasp in awe. The
map is unsealed - it literally
is an almost free form collection
of objects that has been jumbled
together by someone who likes
a little battery acid in their
cocaine. There are big boxes
that serve as rooms, tubes
and hallways connecting other
boxes, a huge open air section
with freestanding columns
of water stretched overhead,
smaller rooms with moving
textured items that seem to
serve no purpose, solid floors
that cause the player to move
like that old electronic football
game where the magnet players
buzz and swirl around in an
electromagnetic field... there
are spots where a
dozen or so mega health packs
or teleport platforms are
clumped together like colonies
of bacteria. Behind all of
this the sky environment featuring
the Big Gun looms, suggesting
a sort of twisted Strogg playground/jungle
gym. But my favorite attribute
is the huge switch floating
in midair in one of the rooms
with the moving textures;
activating the switch puts
into motion a series of huge
blocks and chunks of solid
shit that revolve on an axis,
clip right through the fucking
map, and squash players underneath
them like rotted grapes.
of these teleports lead
to the same location:
a warm wet spot right
by the map author's
level must have been constructed
like this on purpose. My heart
has been blackened by decades
of food service employment,
art studies and failed romances,
but I still have enough faith
left in my fellow man to state
with a certain amount of certainty
that NOBODY in their right
fucking mind could have made
a Quake level like this without
intending to do so in the
first place. How could anyone
possibly think that a room
stuffed with ten inanimate
Tank monsters and no items
except two rebreathers would
make an interesting setting?
How can anyone think that
moving diamond plate textures
are capable of doing anything
other than pushing the sentient
player into fits of hilarity?
think whomever is responsible
for "The
not only deliberately set
out to make a minor Cranky
masterpiece but also did some
research before setting on
the path - he/she certainly
must have studied "This
Map is Good Fun"
for ideas on things like how
to select the worst fucking
textures in the palette and
where to place freestanding
blocks of gravity defying
liquid shit... and don't forget
the inanimate monsters, another
"Good Fun" staple.
The two maps are just too
similar (and I also detect
a similarity to the unforgettable
Bomber" map by Chuckles)
for it to be an accident.
What we have here then is
a very clever fraud - yet
it is indeed a Cranky level,
however, because a shitty
map is a shitty map no matter
how it got that way.
Forget about it - whomever
constructed "The
was too thorough in their
research on how to make an
unplayable map. Just load
the level, crack open a cold
one, and enjoy.
FACTOR: Sure, the map
is "fun" - it was
meant to be.
BOTTOM LINE: Once again,
if you want a Quake2 level
that is so bad and stupid
that it is hilarious you cannot
pass over "The
The file size is nice and
small, there are plenty of
spawn points for you and all
your weird friends, and a
laugh or two will be had by
all at some point. But let's
be clear about one thing:
the best of the Whorehouse
are maps that were arrived
at by untalented authors who
had no idea what the fuck
they were doing and came up
empty. Succeeding in coming
up with donkey shit deliberately
is kind of like telling someone
why a joke is funny before
it is even heard. You still
laugh, but its just not the
for the People!!