Teh intarnet is known by all fat morons to be teh place for ace conversatians and games and learning adn INTARNET SECURITYE VIA LUNIX!!! But soemtimes peopal dont wants too uses teh Intarnat too plays Halg Life or Quaek 2 or Bobble Buobble or whatevar! Soem peopal want too plays fun games and enjoy a hairy maximum time on a Informatian suparhighway. SO I HAEV MADE a grate new website with intarnet fun adn games for yuo to enjoy! THIS IS TEH JEFF K INTARNAT FUNHORSE AND I HOPE YUO ENJOY MY GAMES OF STRAGETY AND CHALLANGE I HAEV PRESSENTED FOR YUO!!! TABAL OF CONTENTS:
tehes puzzals will challange yuor mind and make yuo say "HUH" and are for vary samart peopal because they bend yuor mind. As yuo can see, teh INtarnet is a vary valuabel tool for resoureces and too makes a man smartar with knowlidge. |