HELO! my naem si JEFF K. and I am a vary famous games writar now! why, yuo may ask? BECAUSE I HAVE GOTTAN AN EXLCLUSIVE INTARVIEW WITH CLIFF BLEZANSKI, head hero diseinger at Unreale! He made Unreale and Unreale 2!!! and maps to. AND so i wrote abouts him before in my colamns (ASK JEFF K, yuo can read them herer to). so i wrote to Unreale and says "I WAant to intarview Cliff Belszanki because he is a vary smarty man and i run an improtant website" so cliff says OKEY and here is my intarview!!! emale me here if yuo have any qyestions / comments! AND if yuo are a big game maker, emale me to and i will intarview yuo as well!@ |
CliffyB: Hey kiddo I hear you've been talking shit about me.
CliffyB: No I'm Lead Designer at Epic Games. I also design levels and actually work ON the games.
CliffyB: It started...well, about at your age...what, 12?
CliffyB: WTF? There are no Nali plants in UT...and no monsters!
CliffyB: I did Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2...then Unreal, then Unreal Tournament. (which 0wns j00.)
CliffyB: Hmmm, that's a tough one. Well, we like the "gay disco" look here. So you can really see it in our levels. I plead the 5th on any allegations of copying another company, though.
CliffyB: Hey, Quake3 doesn't use all humans! Quake3 has that walking nad thing.
CliffyB: I will not reveal where I find my phat assed fashion.
CliffyB: The guys at Legend Entertainment are doing all they can to avoid building any goofy lizards and fat bug men. That stuff's so...1997. I know Zarniwoop is a huge fan of Ninjas and Cyclops (and even mummies) so hopes are high! |