A GLANCE: Once again I
have the unique displeasure
of presenting the Whorehouse's
readers with yet another abomination
that pushes the envelope of
what makes a horrid map, this
time in a tragic and suicide
inducing turn for the worst.
Head Honcho Lowtax sent me
a batch of links to maps that
he assured me were "...
far worse than anything you
have reviewed so far",
and indeed what I considered
to be slop two weeks ago now
looks like polished game level
design compared to stuff like
(which I believe is supposed
to suggest the "nuclear
waste factory" scheme
of game level design that
the rest of us thought had
graciously died out after
Quake2's heyday). Indeed I
think that this level is so
depressing and enraging that
it contributed to a horrendous
cold I developed over the
weekend due to the level of
despair I found when dealing
with everyday life after just
attempting to play
this map the other afternoon.
It truly is something awful,
and not even in a 'Good Fun'
kind of way.
Mr. Furedi's info text
is totally devoid of any
useful information other
than the load/command info
to play the level and the
revealing tidbit that states
that he devoted all of 6
hours of his life to the
creation of this level.
I find this lack of build
information to be telling
in that it reinforces my
suspicion that the author
had no fucking idea what
he was doing when he sat
down to make it and was
immensely disgusted with
his own results. The question
is why did he release
MAP: I used to have
to walk through a parking
garage every night after
class and this map brought
back the joy of having to
wander down some five stories
of bland concrete and freezing
cold blackness when really
needing to pee bad.
The map was built in a manner
that is not only inept but
seems to be part of an evil
plot to fry your processors.
Huge slabs of nondescriptly
textured "stuff"
are clumsily aligned to
create huge, yawning rooms
that gunk up framerates
like sand in a Honda Accord's
gentle, effeminate engine.
Unreachable catwalks and
crannies with unuseable
items loom over head, and
the whole map clunks and
stutters with r-speed errors
as you turn this way and
that no matter where you
are -- if you want to know
what its like to
be junked up on morphine
while walking through an
empty parking garage
this is the map for you.
The lighting is splotchy
or non existent, creating
pockets of either glaringly
bright gray walls or totally
pitch black globs of darkness.
There are a few pools of
nuclear slime here or there
that are ingeniously structured
with a top wafer thin layer
of glowing green damage
inducing shit that has NOTHING
underneath it -- you bust
through the layer of slime
a bone dry floor with some
dopey powerup in a corner
and fry yourself on the
layer of green crap while
you try in vain to jump
out of the empty pool. One
section leads to a "jump
shaft" hallway that
is supposed to spit you
up through a triggered door
into a long narrow box connected
to one of the huge boxes
... but the door trigger
and the push entity that
spits you out are timed
differently, and it always
took me about a minute of
bouncing up and down underneath
the door bashing my poor
player models head on it
before it would pop open
and I could get the fuck
out of there.
propelled down this
shaft reminded me
of the time that I
had to have a colonoscopy.
all of this is a nether-world
Hell of huge, empty chambers
that contain forlorn, abandoned
looking weapons dropped
here and there and a slime
trap that I managed to catch
myself in at one point.
One of the chambers is an
absolutely surreal, evil
neon green lit room with
those kinds of pits we used
to see in DOOM with a layer
of slime texture at the
very bottom and no way out
of if you pitch yourself
in ... there is a nightmarish
quality to this particular
area that defies my ability
to describe it -- lonely,
uncared for and left to
DIE alone and friendless
might describe the feeling
I was overcome with when
wandering though it.
This is another one of those
maps that I think aren't
really meant to be "played"
as much as experienced
... The classic example
is "This Map is Good
Fun" for Quake2 that
just exists as a binary
vision into drug crazed
madness with nothing to
do in the level except just
gasp in astonishment; this
map is more of a look into
a pathetic empty soul that
cannot justify its own existence
and has no interest in playing
Quake at all. The fact that
there is no fucking BOT
support only adds to this
conclusion, because who
the fuck in their right
mind would run a map like
this on a server? I don't
even think there is more
than one player start --
the three or four times
I fried myself on the slime
I always spawned in the
exact same place. Maybe
it's supposed to be a "single
player map" where you
pick your way through a
series of boring objectives
until reaching an exit,
but as far as I know Quake
3 Arena levels don't have
"exits" in them,
do they? I mean, the match
just sort of ends when a
frag or timelimit is hit
... to not even allow for
that seems either the most
dumbass idea I've ever heard
of, or one of the most perverse
and surreal uses of the
Quake 3 engine that I have
ever encountered.
FACTOR: One of my teachers
in art school used to implore
us to remember that "Not
all art is meant to be beautiful
or pleasant", and I
think that A.J. is also
trying to tell us that not
all Quake games are meant
to be enjoyed; some are
meant to be plodding exercises
in painful suffering that
have no end, and to that
point he has accomplished
a phenomenal achievement.
recommend this map even
as a lesson to budding designers
or as a way to get a laugh
or whatever -- this is one
of those maps to be AVOIDED
at all costs, and for shame
to anyone who emails me
to try and lobby its virtues.
I know a steaming pile of
vomit when I step in it.
for the People!!